Stay Collaborative with a Digital Whiteboard

Interactive Conference Rooms Keep the Entire Office Working Smoothly

Collaboration comes in all forms:

  • Speaking to your teammates in person
  • Sending emails and Slack messages
  • Making presentations to a distributed workforce over Zoom

But there is an interactive hybrid method of collaboration that works wonders for in-person meetings while still being able to broadcast the message to remote workers in Denver, CO, or clients across the globe, and that’s digital whiteboard technology.

Imagine the days of standing at the front of a room using a chalkboard or sticking post-it notes to a whiteboard to fully flesh out a project or refine a company message. Now imagine taking that old-school method and stepping it up a notch. Keep reading below to learn how digital whiteboards revolutionize office collaboration.

SEE ALSO: Heading Back to the Office?


Better Efficiency

We’re at an interesting time in history where the workforce is comprised of employees that remember a time with no internet and other employees having lived in the digital landscape since their birth. A digital whiteboard takes both analog and digital presentation methods and combines them into an efficient manner of collaboration.

With a digital whiteboard, you combine the tangibility of drawing on a board with the high-tech functionality of it all being recorded digitally and transmitted to distributed teams. Group participation is encouraged, and you can incorporate your boardroom’s videoconferencing technology into presentations, too. Everyone will see the information on the whiteboard and see and hear the presenter in real-time!


Improved Office Culture

The last few years have dramatically changed employees’ average workday. More flexible schedules, work-from-home offices, and a greater eye on work/life balance are all new features of office culture in 2021. With this distributed workforce, some employees may feel disconnected from the rest of their colleagues, likely not seeing anyone from the office more than once a week, if at all! By adding intuitive and easy-to-use digital whiteboard technology to your Denver office, you allow staff to feel connected to their peers in a brand-new way.

Add in high-performance Zoom Rooms that let everyone see, hear, and share new ideas, and that closely-knit office environment of years past is still possible. To include everyone in the office in the next brainstorming session, consider adding a digital whiteboard to your conference room or huddle space.


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