Experience a Professional Home Lighting Upgrade with Lutron

As smart technology keeps evolving more rapidly, it leaves your older systems like LiteTouch and Vantage feeling outdated and unsupported. For homeowners in Denver, CO, a brilliant solution is available that modernizes your home and enhances functionality and convenience!

Our team at King Systems, the only Lutron Homeworks QS Lighting Dealer in Gunnison County, offers specialized lighting upgrades and conversions from LiteTouch and Vantage systems to the superior Lutron Homeworks QS system. Want to learn more? Keep reading.

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Why Convert to Lutron Homeworks QS?

Out with the Old, In with the New: LiteTouch systems, once a staple in home lighting technology, are now obsolete and no longer supported. Similarly, Vantage systems can feel outdated as newer technology offers more features and better performance. Transitioning to Lutron Homeworks QS updates your home with the latest technology and ensures ongoing support and upgrades.

Exclusive Local Expertise: King Systems stands out as the sole provider in Gunnison County licensed to sell and install Lutron Homeworks QS directly. Unlike other providers who may obtain Lutron products through secondary distribution channels, King Systems ensures that you receive genuine, direct support, advanced product replacements, and the best pricing available.

Benefits of Upgrading to Lutron Homeworks QS

  • Advanced Dimming Capabilities: Lutron’s dimming modules are LED-rated, which means they are designed to work seamlessly with modern LED lighting, providing efficient and precise light control that can dramatically enhance the ambiance of any room.
  • Remote Accessibility and Control: With Lutron Homeworks QS, you gain the flexibility to modify scenes and adjust programming from anywhere in the world. Whether you’re at home or away, you have complete control over your lighting environment right from your mobile device.
  • Real-Time Adjustments: The system allows users to adjust high and low-end level limits in real-time, ensuring optimal lighting conditions in every part of your home. This feature is particularly beneficial for creating the perfect setting for any occasion or time of day.
  • Mobile Device Integration: The integration with mobile devices goes beyond basic control; it allows end-users to modify scenes through a dedicated mobile app. This means you can personalize your lighting to match your daily routines or special events effortlessly.
  • Astronomical Clock Functionality: One of the most futuristic features is the astronomical clock, which adjusts your lighting based on the local sunrise and sunset times. This functionality enhances energy efficiency and means your home lighting is always in sync with the natural light outside.
  • Seamless Installation: Despite the sophistication of the technology, the transition from LiteTouch or Vantage to Lutron Homeworks QS is designed to be smooth and hassle-free, leading to minimal disruption to your daily lifestyle.

Want to learn more about our lighting upgrade services? Give our team a call or fill out our online contact form here. We look forward to hearing from you!